.. Aristotle Documentation documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Aug 24 08:57:57 2011. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to Aristotle Documentation |release| ============================================ Aristotle is a bibliographic Django_ project for creating discovery and management of born digital and physical artifacts. Aristotle uses a number of other open-source toolset including EULFedora_, EULXML_, Sunburnt_, and PyMARC_. For the Discovery interface, Aristotle uses a forked version of the Kochief_ Django application. Project's documentation resides at `aristotle.readthedocs.org `_. .. _Django: http://djangoproject.org/ .. _EULFedora: https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulfedodra .. _EULXML: https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulxml .. _Kochief: http://code.google.com/p/kochief/ .. _Sunburnt: https://github.com/tow/sunburnt .. _PyMARC: https://github.com/edsu/pymarc .. sidebar:: About `Bots` and Versions You may be wondering as you explore Aristotle's code-base and documentation by the use of **bots** classes. A few years ago I read Daniel Suarez's great first novel `Daemon `_ and then later watched his FORA.tv's video lecture `Daemon: Bot-Mediated Reality `_ His vision of **bots** inspired a new design pattern I've been using in my own code. The python-based **bots** in Aristotle's framework encapsulate data and behavior for one or more related tasks within a single class. I try to keep each `bot` class as simple and framwork agnostic as possible so I use these **bots** logic in multiple places. This design pattern lends itself very well to programming `Micro-Services `_. Aristotle uses `Semantic Versioning `_ with the following format X.Y.Z or Major.Minor.Patch. We are currently targeting a full public stable API and production stable 0.5.0 by the forth quarter of 2011. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 readme.rst install.rst roadmap.rst discovery.rst catalog.rst datasets.rst etd.rst grx.rst marc.rst vendors.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`